May 2017

Second set of trainings in HNK Mostar

The end of the school year, obligations and additional activities of teachers are improving the presence of stress. That is extra reason to choose that particular time to associate with teachers and help them managing negative energy and introducing them with different methods and techniques of adequate opposing different stressors. With an enthusiastic group of five pedagogues from primary schools in Mostar trainings for schools "Managing stress" continued as part of three years project of TPO Foundation and Ministry of education, science, culture and sport. Pedagogues-lecturers made four hour trainings in schools:  "Gnojnice", "IV osnovna škola", "Ilije Jakovljevića", "Treća osnovna škola" and "Ivana Gundulića". By working in pairs, each pedagogue had the opportunity to associate with 30 teachers and exchange experiences and make comparisons of schools about stress situations and challenges they meet in everyday work. The goal of the training was to contribute more serious understanding of the causes and consequences of stress and to give new techniques in overcoming stress situations and release from inner unrest.
It consisted four modules: Module 1: Raising awareness of presence of stress, Module 2: Methods of self-evaluating stress and applying, Module 3: Mastering strategies for facing stress and Module 4: Adoption of techniques and developing skills for managing stress. Methods and strategies for easier managing stress and organizing time in the best possible way with the special admonishment that our view of a certain situation and the problem will impact on perceiving it as stress one. Continuous and active participation of all through creative exercises, but also discussion and lecture, has contributed more successful

results of trainings because everyone had the opportunity to not just to learn but also to share their personal experiences and challenges in facing stressors.
Creating positive environment also contributed to relaxing teachers so they proposed theme: "Students stress" which would be approached in a similar way. TPO Fundation is planning a lot of new activities and socializing with purpose to empower the holders of primary school education.